In House Studio Fitness

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Self care supporting your mental health

Let’s face it, life can be overwhelming, and amidst the hustle and bustle, it's easy to neglect our mental well-being because it’s all a bit too hard. But one of the secrets to improving your mental health lies in the magical world of self-care and it’s not as difficult as you may think so buckle up and get ready to discover how self-care can be your superpower for a happier and healthier mind.

Me time – go on, put yourself first!

Picture this: You, a fluffy robe, and a bathtub filled with bubbles, perhaps a good book or some of your favourite tunes playing in the background. Magnificent! Self-care starts with carving out time just for you, doing something that you enjoy. Whether it's indulging in a relaxing bath, sitting in the car watching a storm roll in over the bay, reading or meditating; embrace activities that bring you joy and allow you to unwind. Go on, light those scented candles, put on a face mask, close your eyes and let the bliss begin!

Dance like nobody's watching

Shaking off the serious and enjoying something silly has the ability to refill your cup just like it did when you were a kid. There’s no rule saying self-care has to be all serious that I’m aware of so cue the music and let loose! Dancing gives you a fantastic workout but it’s also a brilliant mood booster especially when you choose songs where you know ALL the words and can belt them out at the top of your lungs. Go on, jump around, be silly, sing into a hairbrush, don't be shy and let those feel good endorphins kick in and make you feel amazing!

Take it outside

Nature has a magical way of soothing our souls and rejuvenating our spirits. Step outside, take a deep breath, and bask in the beauty of the great outdoors. Go for a hike, have a picnic in the park, or simply stroll along a scenic path. If the weather is warm enough, take your shoes off and let your feet connect you to the earth – it’s called grounding and while studies are limited, there is the suggestion that it helps realign your electrical energy by reconnecting to the earth. Having tried it myself, I can say I felt a shift in my stress levels so it’s definitely worth a try and really, what have you got to lose! In terms of self care, connecting with nature is an easy get that delivers incredible benefits including improved mood, increased activity levels, stress reduction and it helps you get a dose of the all important Vitamin D so get out there!

Laughter, the best medicine

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine was onto something and when it comes to self-care, laughter is a key ingredient! Laughter has a remarkable ability to release endorphins, those happy chemicals that make us feel good. Watch a funny movie, catch up with your friends, or book yourself tickets to a comedy show. Remember, laughter is contagious and it’s one of the few things we should spread, so share those giggles and enjoy the infectious joy it brings.

You’ve got to move it, move it

Without doubt, exercise is crucial to self care and good mental health. Any regular movement is going to be of benefit from taking a walk with the dog to joining in with my workouts in the studio or online, you will feel the benefits with improved cognitive function (sharper memory and mental alertness), cope with and respond to stress more effectively, reduce the effects of anxiety and depression and you may find your self confidence improves.

Find something you enjoy doing and you will be more likely to stick with it in the long run allowing you to really reap the benefits of exercise on your fitness as well as your mental health. Choose to do it with a friend and you get the benefit of having an accountability partner as well as a regular social engagement with someone you enjoy hanging out with – what’s not to love about that?

As you know, I love to ramp things up and in June I will be running a Push Up Challenge with all proceeds going to the Push for Better Foundation who invest in mental health initiatives. . Pop it in the diary and join in the fun – you’ll be working on your fitness and you will be doing something great for the community both of which will have you feeling amazing inside and out! Email me for more information about my push up challenge.

It seems that these days, life is crazy busy for everyone, but self-care shouldn’t be a daunting task that you add to your overloaded to do list. It should be a priority that helps support you in being able to manage everything else life throws at you.

Embrace the fun side of self-care and unlock a world of mental well-being. From dancing to laughter, nature to relaxation, you have the power to transform your mental health one joyous self-care practice at a time. So, go forth and let the fun-filled journey of self-care begin. Your mind deserves it, and you deserve it too! Cheers to a happier and healthier you