Baby It's Cold Outside

How nice is it to be snuggled under that doona on cold, dark winter’s day while you listen to the rain on the roof? But how do you feel when you start to let your training slide and you suddenly realise it has been three weeks since you popped into the gym or went for a run? So today, let’s have a chat about how to maintain the motivation during the colder weather so you keep up your fitness and help maintain your health


1.       Set the alarm

You can tell yourself that you aren’t a morning person and that you will go to the gym after a long day at work but is that the truth? Maybe the bit about not being a morning person is accurate, but you can retrain your brain and convince yourself that being up with the birds is the best time of day.

If you are constantly skipping out on your evening training session, then you really need to set yourself up, so you go in the morning. It is so much harder to find the motivation to haul yourself off the couch after an arduous day and you still have dinner to make, housework to get on top of and the latest Netflix series to binge. Get your workout sorted first thing in the morning and it is done and dusted and will set you up for an energy filled day!


2.       New threads

Who doesn’t feel awesome when they get new clothes?  Some new activewear or some fancy runners will need to be worn and what better way than to get out and be physical in your latest exercise ensemble! Get yourself some gear that works in layers so you can step out of the house all rugged up but as you start exercising and becoming warmer, you can drop a couple of items and train comfortably (and still look awesome).


3.       Eyes on the Prize

Many of us remain inspired when we have a goal that we are working towards, and it can be different for everyone. Some want to lose weight and look amazing in a new outfit at that wedding coming up in spring, others are thinking of giving triathlons a go when they kick off at the end of winter, while some simply want to keep on beating their personal goals and lift a heavier weight or run a little further than ever before. Whatever the goal, make sure you choose something that is relevant to you and steadily work towards it instead of going into last minute panic and setting yourself up for failure.


4.       Buddy up

I’ve said this before but training with a friend, or within a group, allows for a much higher chance you will stick to your training of choice. A friend, your partner, or a new group of mates you met at the gym will help keep you accountable and encouraged to stick to your routine. It’s easy to roll over and turn off the alarm and drop back off to sleep if no one is relying on you to show up and train with them, so don’t try to go it alone if you know you need a little extra motivation on a chilly day.


5.       Quality fuel

Winter seems to lend itself to justifying an increase in comfort food such as pasta, a big jacket potato or crumpets with lashings of butter. Something seems to click over as the weather gets colder and we tell ourselves we need ALL of the carbs to get ourselves through Winter. By all means, eat carbs but don’t overload as they are more likely to make you feel sluggish as you overconsume them and forgo quality lean meats and vegies, or delicious and healthy soups. Continuing to eat a nutrient rich diet will keep the energy levels high and will support your training efforts as you will be less inclined to feel lethargic.

 That’s five ways to stay motivated over winter so no more excuses. Get up, get moving and you will all the happier and fitter for all that extra exercise you complete!