5 Tips to a Healthier Life

Making healthy choices seems like such hard work.  But is it really?  Let’s take a look five things you can do that will have you trotting down healthy path, feeling and looking awesome!


1.       Choose your food wisely

I get it, sometimes cooking is the last thing you want to do after a long day.  But is it easier to go and pick up a greasy takeaway or is it just as simple to grill a piece of fish and whip up a salad?   I’ll bet you can get your homecooked, healthier meal on the table before you can get your takeaway delivered! 

I’ve talked about meal planning before (read here if you want some easy tips) but it is the key to helping you stay on the healthy path as you will have the food on hand and you won’t have to deal with the dilemma of what to have when you have no capacity left to think.

Wise food choices will also be far more likely to leave you feeling sated and less likely to snack.  A delicious protein based meal with some yummy vegies or a satisfying salad will mean you are unlikely to go hunting for a chockie biscuit after dinner because you won’t be hungry.  If you aren’t hungry and you are thinking about eating that cooking chocolate at the back of the pantry, then you have an issue around cravings and you need to read here for some advice on how to manage them.

And remember, just because it is healthy doesn’t mean you can ignore portion sizes.  If you want to stay lean, managing how much you eat is just as important as what you eat!


2.       Consistency is the key

If you really want to stay healthy, then you have to be consistent in your approach.  That is, you need to stay on the straight and narrow when it comes to exercise as well as nutrition.  You can’t train five times a week and then eat rubbish simply because you exercised.  Nor can you eat nutritious and delicious food one week and then eat junk the next – good health doesn’t work that way. 

It all comes down to consistency.  That’s not to say you have to exercise every day and live on broccoli.  It’s about balance – get yourself into a regular routine of exercise and movement and support it with great food.  And every now and then, allow yourself a day off and rest on the couch or enjoy a pizza knowing that 99% of the time, you are treating your body well.


3.       H20 is the go

Much like a car with no oil, our bodies will not perform well if we do not keep them hydrated.  Aside from that awful thirsty feeling – which is a sign you may already be dehydrated – you need water to remove toxins from the body, to aid in temperature regulation, manage your immune system, assist in digestion and many other bodily functions!

Your age, weight and how much activity you squeeze into your day will determine your hydration needs but research suggests most of us need around two to three litres per day.  So, start sipping!


4.       Sleep matters

Despite what some may think, sleeping less and doing more is not the solution to a fast paced and hectic life.  In fact, sleep deprivation can have a similar effect to alcohol on your body – it will dull your thinking, increase your reaction times (not good when you are driving) and slow your metabolism.

We need, good quality sleep so that our bodies can restore themselves at a deep molecular level and so that our brain has the time it needs to rest and revive allowing for clear thought, improved memory function, better concentration capability and analytical thinking.  All of this helps support our ability to remain committed to our healthier choices as we have more energy to override the slumps that cause us to skip the gym or reach for the afternoon sugary treat.  And sleep will help us cope with all the busyness!

Research suggests that somewhere between seven to nine hours a night is ideal but if you want to know more about the benefits of sleep – and the link to weight loss – then click here.


5.       Make it personal

Obviously, I have a vested interest in this tip but I wholeheartedly recommend you get on board with a personal trainer.   Without doubt, you can benefit from walking, working out at home, checking into a gym where you train yourself, going for a swim – anything that has you moving is certainly going to help you in your goal to be fit and healthy. 

However, a personal trainer can take you to places your fitness has never seen before!  We are trained to know which exercises will benefit you most, which ones will avoid injury or those which will allow you to work around a problem area.  We know how far to push you and we will help keep you motivated and accountable.  If you really want to see what you are capable of and how far you can improve your health, a personal trainer will be your best friend!


So there you have it – five tips to getting and staying healthy.  If you are new to this, take it one step at a time and reach out for help when you need it.  Build each week and be consistent.  And remember, if you need help, I am always here to support you!