Beating the Winter Blues

Many of us have a favourite season.  There are those who love the scorching heat of summer while others prefer the moderate temperatures and the beauty that comes with the change of season in autumn and spring.  And of course, there are those who love the cold and rain of winter.   Winter for many though can bring a dose of the winter blues and that’s what we want to look at today.

During winter, it is easy to feel a little off as the grey days, cold weather and being stuck indoors stop us from getting out and enjoying the fresh air and activities that can fill our souls with joy.  For anyone feeling this way, you are not alone!  Plenty suffer from the winter blues but there are ways to improve how you feel and to lift your spirits.

First though, let’s take a look at general winter blues as compared to a more specific condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD).  Yes, the winter blues can make you feel a bit flat and somewhat unhappy but they don’t stop you from enjoying life overall.  Seasonal affective disorder however seeps into all aspects of your life from work to personal and is a type of major depression that generally shows itself in the winter months when we have less access to natural light.  If you believe that you could be suffering from SAD then understand it is very treatable but you should seek some professional support so you can access treatments and get back to feeling better.

You’ve determined you simply have the winter blues, a general malaise brought on by the ordinary weather.  So, what are you going to do about it?  While it may be tempting to pull on the Oodie and eat mint slices in front of Netflix, you are just going to feel worse.  I think you know the advice I am going to give….


Typical.  A personal trainer who thinks that exercise will help you feel better.   Vested interest aside, I recommend it because it works.   I can not repeat this enough, exercise releases endorphins which in turn can help lift your mood.  It really is that simple and there are plenty of ways to get some movement into your day and I’ve got five top suggestions:

1.       The obvious one is to join up with me and head into the studio for a small group or one on one session. I’ll absolutely get those endorphins pumping for you.

2.       If distance is an issue or you prefer to exercise at home, sign up to In House @ Your House and you’ve got access to live classes online as well as a back catalogue that will get you moving and feeling great.  And you will be directly hooked into a fantastic community that is supportive and loves to share ideas and tips.

3.       Dance.  Turn on the music at home and dance while doing housework, while cooking, with the kids, when no one is looking.  I dare you!

4.       Rug up and get out for a walk.  By yourself, with a friend, take the kids (or not), with the dog.  A brisk walk in the fresh air will make a huge difference to how you feel physically and emotionally.

5.       Ride your bike – to the shops, to the park with the kids to school.  Riding your bike and feeling the wind through your hair is quite a freeing experience.

It doesn’t matter what you choose, just get up and get moving especially when you don’t feel like it.  You will feel more energised, more motivated, happier – all the good stuff.  And if you are unsure of how and where to start, give me a call and I’ll get you on the path to shaking off the winter blues.