Tips for reducing alcohol intake

Let’s talk about alcohol intake and how we can drink less. I know, it sounds like I am the fun police but I am only talking about reducing your alcohol intake, not banning it altogether! And there is a good reason to consider how much alcohol consumption has crept into your life and set in motion plans to reduce the amount you drink whilst still enjoying the occasional beverage.

Good reasons to reduce your alcohol intake

Let’s take a look at the positives of reducing your alcohol intake. Let’s be real, if you are going to give up that cheeky beer or pass on the second glass of wine with dinner, there has to be a good reason, right

  • Improved sleep – who doesn’t need more/better sleep? Alcohol inhibits your ability to move into the deeper states of sleep so reducing alcohol will allow you to wake more refreshed. Research shows that good quality sleep can aid weight loss too.

  • Improved mood – those around you will be appreciative but you will feel better within yourself too. Win-win.

  • Greater energy levels – you’ll feel more motivated to exercise, catch up with friends, garden, achievements all round!

  • Reduced risk of long-term health problems – alcohol is linked to various cancers, liver disease, weight gain and blood pressure management issues to name but a few.

  • Weight loss – alcohol contains calories so reducing consumption can support your weight loss goals.

Now the How…

For some, the decision to reduce their alcohol intake is easy – they decide to drink less and simply do just that. For the rest of us, however, our self-control needs a little more support with some easy to adopt positive actions and the following are some suggestions to help you:

Swap to low or no alcohol options

Before you say ‘yuk’ or ask what’s the point, consider the advances that have been made in the low or no alcohol drinks market. There are loads of great-tasting options available these days – no alcohol beer, low alcohol wine, no alcohol seltzers. Plenty of choices to tickle the taste buds and help you on your mission to reduce alcohol intake!

Drink water

This one sounds easy but can sometimes be a challenge when you are in a social situation. All you need to do is alternate each alcohol-based tipple with a glass of water. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for skipping a drink – this is about your health and your decisions.

Change your routine

If you get home from work and like to grab a glass to help you unwind, it may be time to change up the routine. Perhaps try a cup of tea, a glass of water or even soda water instead if you need something to sip while decompressing from the day. Or get the runners on and take yourself for a walk or a run and establish a new and active routine before dinner. A friend told me recently she has started painting to help her transition from her workday to her home time rather than having a glass of vino. It helps calm the mind and acts as a mindfulness activity that helps her relax. Painting, yoga, gardening, meditating – any of these activities would be a great alternative to the after-work wind-down drink.

Limit what is at home

Sometimes will power is not enough and you may need to keep the tempting alcoholic beverages out of the house. If it isn’t easily accessible, then you are less likely to want it or to have it. Simples!

Make sure your glass is empty

This tip sounds like you should drink more by making sure you empty your glass but it is quite the contrary. Don’t refill your glass – or let anyone else do it – until your glass is empty. This will help you know exactly how many drinks you have had and allow you to better manage your consumption. If your glass is never empty due to being constantly replenished, you will have no idea as to exactly how much you have had to drink!

Cut back on the salty snacks

It’s not just pretzels that will make you thirsty – all those salty snacks will increase your desire to drink so you are better off just saying no while drinking.

I’d love to hear about your success with reducing your alcohol intake so give it a go and let me know what changes you have made and how you feel!