Farewell 2021 And Hello 2022!

Well, the time has come to farewell 2021 and put it well and truly behind us!

After a challenging 2020 we came into 2021 with stars in our eyes and happiness in our hearts and then BAM. Delta.

While 2021 has been another challenging year for many of us, we should be proud of ourselves for getting through it with resilience, love, humour, connection and of course, regular exercise! I know without a doubt that continuing to exercise even while in lockdown had a genuinely positive impact on everyone’s mental health as well as their physical health, and for that I am grateful to have been able to play a part in helping ‘get you through’.

Thank god for lockdowns lifting though, and finally being able to be training in person once more!

To end the year we had a great Christmas chill out at the Rogue Squire with 35 people coming along to have some face time, food and drinks. Thank you to everyone for my beautiful gifts (both the individual ones and the group gift) and especially for the poem which I really loved and made me feel very grateful to have such wonderful, thoughtful and beautiful clients. It was lovely way to spend the afternoon with you all just hanging out!

We finished the year a bit early (unfortunately) so that I could have septoplasty surgery (even more unfortunately) but I knew that we needed to go into 2022 with full training and I figured it would not be cool to have yet a third year where training was cancelled for 3+ weeks! To those of you who are disappointed to not be training in person in December, I truly apologise and hope you understand that this was the best timing not just for me, but for training in 2022 as well. Hopefully you are all continuing to train online, participating in the challenge and training in person in the groups in the park when you can!

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and text messages of support and care. To be honest, it is really Deb who should be receiving those, because I really am a terrible patient – and I’m sure I’m driving her to drink right now! lol

I am super excited that we will be moving into a brand-new studio in 2022. It’s just 5 mins from where we are now, still in Mulgrave. The new studio will be bloody awesome and I can’t wait to start training you all there! At this stage expect to be relocating around May……. I’ll keep you all updated as we begin the new year!

Well that’s it for me for 2021…..

Wishing you and your families and loved ones a happy, safe and wonderful festive season filled with love and fun. I look forward to seeing you all in 2022 – training resumes Monday 10th January for those that are ready to get back into it! 2022 will be filled with loads more fun, challenges, recipes and updates to keep you motivated and reaching your goals!

Take care, be kind, and have a very Merry Christmas.

Love Cath xxx